Zartis in Germany

Nearshore software development and expert consulting services


Zartis is a software services company, specialised in software consulting, staff augmentation, and building dedicated development teams.


We help you find the best remote developers and assemble the right European teams to ensure long-term business success.

Outsourcing software development

The industry trends and our own client record are unequivocal: more and more German companies are looking into nearshore outsourcing. Why? Besides the skills shortage, the long notice periods and Germany’s restrictive employment rules can increase the cost of recruiting locally considerably.

Outsourcing in Europe is the preferred option for the vast majority of companies in Germany. In 2019, 77% of German enterprises nearshored their software development in Europe.

FAQ: Hiring dedicated teams for Germany

Will I be able to interview the engineers, who are assigned to my team?

Yes, we ensure you have the final say on who joins your team. All engineers who are sent to you pass our rigorous recruitment process and are approved by our own technical team. You get a detailed feedback report on all interviews.

How does Zartis ensure quality and success throughout the collaboration?

The success of each collaboration lies in transparency and ensuring a good flow of communication. To ensure success, we assign an Account Manager and Technical Lead, who will act as a point of contact for escalation or technical questions. 

What is the minimum duration of a collaboration Zartis offers?

The minimum duration of a collaboration is 6 months. Most of our collaborations are long-term.


Yes, we take care of the hardware purchase, maintenance and on-going IT support.

Benefits of nearshoring for German companies

scalable software team size


Quickly scale your remote team up or down to match your changing software needs.


Larger talent pool

Access the best engineers, without relocation or onboarding constraints.


Similar time zones

Setting up your team in one of our engineering hubs in Europe will ensure your team is in the same time zone as you.


Seamless and easy collaborations

We take care of everything from payroll and benefits to hardware and IT support, so you can focus on building your product quicker.

More resources

Download our free E-books on outsourcing software development and keeping your developers happy.

voting with a show of hands

Get the definitive guide to keeping your extended development teams effective and happy — hot off the press from the remote development team experts at Zartis.

a consultation between 2 people

In this ultimate How-To guide to outsourcing software development, you will find everything you need to make the best decisions for your development needs.

Build your software faster and smarter.

With expert developers who have seen it all.