#19: Texting Technology – Story of Software Podcast

In this episode, Padraig Coffey, CEO at Zartis, is joined by James Lapic, Chief Technology Officer at Zipwhip, as they discuss the evolution of texting.

In this episode, Padraig Coffey, CEO at Zartis and podcast host, is joined by James Lapic, Chief Technology Officer at Zipwhip, as they discuss the history and evolution of texting technology.



Note: The ‘History of Software’ podcast has been rebranded to The Story of Software. The focus remains on exploring technology from an evolutionary perspective of trying to understand how what we know today came to be. We will continue to explore topics from the early dawn of software technology to the state-of-the-art today and what is envisioned to come next.


The History of Texting Technology

Messaging technology has changed our world in many material and unexpected ways. If we look back at the changes in communication technology, they have some significant societal impacts – the invention of paper in 2nd century BC China is linked to the dissemination of literacy, the invention of the printing press in 1440 brought the reformation and some massive social and cultural changes in Europe. More recently, we can talk about the electrical telegraph, the mobile phone and the focus of today’s episode – text messaging. 


The very first SMS was sent in the early 90s, as an engineer discovered that the data channel, which tells a cell phone it’s time to ring, can also be used to transmit small messages.


How has texting evolved since from a technological and user perspective? What are the fundamental differences between SMS and OTT messaging services, such as Facebook messenger, Whatsapp etc? How has texting changed the way people communicate today? How is texting changing business communication? Tune in to explore the world of messaging technology.

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We hope you enjoy listening to our tech podcast and feel free to share any feedback with us: podcast@zartis.com

Some resources on texting we enjoyed:

State of Texting 2020

A (Brief) History of Texting

Zartis Tech Review

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