#9: Video Games in the 90s – The Story of Software Podcast


In this episode, Padraig Coffey, CEO at Zartis, is joined once again by John Dennehy, Founder of Zartis, Agreeable and HireHive, to continue their discussion on the evolution of video games. This time, tackling a new decade – the 90s.


Note: The ‘History of Software’ podcast has been rebranded to The Story of Software. The focus remains on exploring technology from an evolutionary perspective of trying to understand how what we know today came to be. We will continue to explore topics from the early dawn of software technology to the state-of-the-art today and what is envisioned to come next.


The 90s brought in a lot of innovation across the gaming sector. On the games side, we saw the rise of first-shooter games and the further popularization of console and PC games. On the business side, companies were tapping into new demographics, targeting older audiences, while also experimenting with new distribution models, such as shareware.

You can find our podcast on:

Apple PodcastsSpotifyStitcherDeezer, & Youtube.


Tune in to hear more and revisit some of the most popular games of the decade, and the people behind them.

We hope you enjoy listening to our tech podcast and feel free to share any feedback with us: podcast@zartis.com.

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