Survey Report

State of AI Adoption

The State of AI Adoption survey captures insights from technology leaders across the UK.

Discover how the UK market is reacting to the AI craze, how companies are strategising for the remainder of 2024, and how far along they are in AI adoption.

Download the extensive survey report right now!

Research conducted by:

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In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands at the forefront, offering unprecedented opportunities and challenges for organisations worldwide. To better understand the current state of AI adoption and regulation, our team at Zartis conducted a comprehensive survey targeting senior technology executives. This report presents the findings from our survey, providing valuable insights into the significant trends, behaviours, and challenges faced by organisations in their AI journey.


Our primary objective was to identify and analyse the key challenges and priorities for organisations in adopting AI technologies. We aimed to uncover the strategic initiatives undertaken by tech leaders to overcome these barriers and leverage AI’s potential for competitive advantage.


The survey targeted professionals involved in AI and technology decision-making processes. The respondents provided insights into their experiences, investment plans, and views on AI regulations and future trends.


A diverse group of 100 professionals from various industries participated, offering a comprehensive view of AI integration in today’s business environment.

What you'll find in the report:

AI adoption

Current levels of AI adoption

Discover how far along other companies are in terms of AI adoption across different departments. 

We’ve asked technology leaders about the current maturity of AI initiatives in their companies, as well as the expertise within their teams in terms of AI skills and mindset.

plans for ai adoption

Priorities for AI adoption

Companies are planning to invest in AI either way but many are following a different path and prioritising different departments or certain functionalities above others. 

This is only natural with unique businesses having unique challenges and strategies to solve those, however trends emerge in where companies are planning to invest in AI, as well as where they think it would be most useful.

survey statistics on AI investments
budget for AI adoption

AI Budgets for the year 2024

Some companies are going hard into AI and incorporating it into their service offerings, while others are starting more cautiously and testing AI in-house, and incrementally.

Discover what tech leaders plan to achieve within these budgets, how much they would ideally like to spend and more.

survey statistics on AI budgets

In-house AI Skills Gap

Some leaders already have confidence in the ability of their in-house team to handle the growing AI needs and some just can’t…

Discover not only how leaders rate their team’s AI knowledge and abilities, but also what they plan to do in the near future to close the gap.

survey statistics for ai skills gap
NLP for AI personalisation

Barriers to total AI adoption

The plans for AI adoption is not only effected by tech leaders’ ambitions to tackle this new technology but also external factors such as budgets, in-house expertise, regulations and more.

Discover the challenges and prejudices companies are having to navigate to achieve successful AI implementation.

ai survey report on challenges of AI adoption

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53% of technology leaders we surveyed stated they aim to achieve cost savings through improved efficiency and expect 30% cost reduction on average.

State of AI Adoption, 2024

Discover how tech leaders are approaching AI adoption today

Download the full report to get insights on AI budgets, and plans, as well as the biggest challenges and shortcomings companies deal with when it comes to AI adoption in 2024.

Download the report now!