How to Hire Dedicated Developers with a Single Interview

How to Hire Dedicated Developers with a Single Interview

Finding the perfect developer can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. You sift through countless resumes, schedule numerous interviews, and often end up with candidates who possess some of the skills you need, but lack that crucial spark,  the perfect blend of technical expertise, problem-solving brilliance, and cultural fit. The hours spent interviewing translate into lost productivity, and the project timeline starts to feel like a ticking time bomb. But what if you could dramatically streamline the process, slashing interview fatigue and identifying the ideal developer in just one shot?

Here’s where dedicated development teams come to the rescue. These pre-vetted teams, often located offshore or with remote work capabilities, house a pool of highly skilled developers who have been rigorously assessed for technical proficiency, problem-solving abilities, and cultural alignment.

It allows you to leverage their expertise in finding the perfect match for your project, streamlining the interview process to a single, focused interaction with the shortlisted candidate. This not only saves you valuable time and resources but also increases the chances of finding a dedicated developer who seamlessly integrates into your existing team and propels your project forward.


Who Are the Developers and What Do They Do?

In the context of dedicated development teams, “developers” can refer to two different groups:

  1. Developers within the Dedicated Development Team: These are the developers you’ll be working with directly on your project. They are typically pre-vetted by the dedicated development team company for their technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and cultural fit. This means they’ve already undergone a rigorous selection process ensuring a baseline level of competency and alignment with your project needs.
  2. Recruiters within the Dedicated Development Team Company: These are the developers but in the sense of building the dedicated development team itself. They are responsible for sourcing, interviewing, and vetting potential developers to join their pool of talent. They essentially act as a filter, ensuring a high calibre of developers are available for clients like yourself to work with.

So, when it comes to dedicated development teams, you’re essentially getting the benefit of two sets of developers:

  • The dedicated team you work with directly who possesses the specific skills needed for your project.
  • The team behind the scenes who curates the pool of talent, ensuring a high standard for the developers you interact with.


Crafting the Perfect Interview Process – The Zartis’ Method

1. Structure is King:

  • Opening: We start our interviews with a warm welcome and introductions. Zartis briefly explain the interview format and timeline. This sets the candidate at ease and allows them to manage their expectations.


  • Technical Assessment (Tailored is Key):
    • Live Coding: We present a real-world coding challenge relevant to your project. We evaluate their problem-solving approach, code efficiency, and ability to explain thought processes.
    • Code Review: Zartis can also provide pre-written code with deliberate errors or inefficiencies and we assess the candidate’s ability to identify and fix issues, suggest improvements, and explain their reasoning.
    • Problem-Solving Exercises: We present non-coding puzzles or brain teasers. This evaluates analytical thinking, problem decomposition, and creative approaches to arrive at a solution.


  • Behavioural Questions (Unveil the Past):
    • Focus on the STAR Method:
      • Situation: Our recruiters ask the candidate to describe a specific work situation they faced.
      • Task: We understand the specific task or challenge they were responsible for.
      • Action: We explore the actions they took to address the situation.
      • Result: We evaluate the outcome of their actions and how it impacted the project or team.
        • Behavioural Interviewing Examples:
          • “Tell me about a time you had to debug a complex issue.” (Problem-solving, attention to detail)
          • “Describe a situation where you had to explain a technical concept to a non-technical audience.” (Communication, adaptability)
          • “Give an example of a time you collaborated with a team member with a different working style.” (Teamwork, conflict resolution)


  • Cultural Fit (Unwritten Rules):
    • Company Culture Questions: We ask questions about their preferred work environment, communication styles within teams, and how they approach deadlines.
    • Team Culture Fit: We involve current team members such as Tech Leads and Principal Engineers, in the interview process. This allows the candidate to interact with their potential colleagues and assess if they mesh well. It also allows our seasoned team leaders to assess the candidate’s potential for collaboration.
    • Values Alignment: We discuss company values and mission statements. It is important to explore how the candidate’s personal values and career goals align with the company’s vision.


2. Evaluating Beyond the Surface

Technical Skills: We look for a balance of theoretical knowledge and practical application. Can they explain core concepts and translate them into working code solutions?

Communication: Our engineers assess if the candidate can explain technical concepts clearly and concisely, adapting their communication style to the audience (technical vs. non-technical). Strong communication is crucial for collaboration and problem-solving within a team.

Learning Agility:  Zartis explores the candidate’s learning process. How do they stay updated on new technologies? Do they actively seek out learning opportunities? We know that a hunger for knowledge is vital in today’s ever-evolving tech landscape.

Teamwork:  We pay attention to how the candidate discusses past team experiences. Do they highlight collaboration, shared problem-solving, and effective conflict resolution?

Cultural Fit: Zartis also looks for alignment between the candidate’s personality, work style, and communication preferences with your existing team dynamic. Cultural fit goes beyond technical skills and ensures long-term success within the team.

3. Beyond the Interview: Verifying the Picture

The following steps are essential for us to conduct comprehensive verification beyond the interview process.

Portfolio Review:  Reviewing the candidate’s portfolio offers insights into past projects, the technologies they’ve used, and their approach to problem-solving.

Reference Checks:  Contacting references allows you to verify the candidate’s skills, experience, and work ethic from a different perspective.

Remember:  An interview is a two-way street. We highlight the company culture, the exciting project details, and the team the candidate will be working with. This helps them envision themselves in the role and assess if it aligns with their career aspirations.

By following these comprehensive strategies, we can craft a well-structured interview that goes beyond technical skills and delves into the candidate’s thought processes, communication style, and cultural fit.


Key Steps of Streamlined Process: How Zartis Builds Dedicated Development Teams

Zartis offers dedicated development teams, allowing you to tap into a pool of pre-vetted, highly skilled developers without the hassle of traditional hiring. Here’s how our seamless process works:

1. Deep Dive into Your Needs (Requirement Gathering)

First things first, we’ll sit down with you to understand your project requirements in detail. This includes the specific skills you need, the project scope, and your timeline. The more information you share, the better we can tailor our search to find the ideal developer for your team.

2. Custom Search and Targeted Outreach

Leveraging our extensive network and expertise, we’ll launch a targeted search for developers who perfectly match your criteria. We don’t waste time with generic job postings; we go straight to the source to find qualified candidates who are a great fit for your project.

3. Expert Screening: Recruiter Interviews for the First Round of Filtering

Our experienced recruiters will conduct in-depth interviews with potential candidates. This initial filtering ensures we only present you with developers who possess the necessary technical skills, cultural fit, and communication style to excel within your team.

4. Double the Expertise: 2 Technical Zartis Interviews to Find the Best Technical Fit

For a truly thorough assessment, we conduct two technical interviews with shortlisted candidates. Here’s where Zartis takes the weight off your shoulders. Our team conducts a multi-stage vetting process:

  • In-depth Recruiter Interviews: Our recruiters screen potential candidates to assess their cultural fit, communication style, and overall suitability for your team environment.
  • Technical Expertise Assessments: Two separate technical interviews are conducted by our in-house technical experts. These deep dives evaluate the candidates’ programming skills, problem-solving abilities, and experience with the specific technologies your project demands.

This ensures you get a developer who is not only qualified but also proficient in the specific tools and frameworks your project demands.

5. Technical Test

With a refined candidate pool in hand, the next step is to assess their technical proficiency through a rigorous examination. Tailored to the specific requirements of the role and project, this test serves as a litmus test for candidates’ practical skills and problem-solving abilities. By evaluating candidates’ capabilities in real-world scenarios, businesses gain valuable insights into their potential contributions.

6. Feedback Gathering and Sharing (with the Client)

Transparency and collaboration are the cornerstones of effective hiring partnerships. After candidates complete the technical test, dedicated development team services gather comprehensive feedback on their performance. This feedback serves as a crucial resource for both parties, facilitating informed decision-making and fostering alignment. By sharing candid insights with the client, the hiring process becomes a collaborative endeavour aimed at achieving mutual success.

7. Final Round Interviews between the Client and Candidates

Finally, with all the groundwork laid, you get to meet the top contenders in a single, streamlined interview. Based on the detailed feedback we provide from the previous stages, you can confidently ask targeted questions and assess if the developer is the perfect fit for your project and company culture.

To facilitate this crucial step, dedicated development team services orchestrate final round interviews between the client and shortlisted candidates. These interviews provide an opportunity for both parties to interact directly, assess compatibility, and delve deeper into potential synergies. By empowering clients to engage directly with candidates, this step promotes transparency and fosters trust throughout the hiring journey.

8. Hiring and Onboarding to Zartis on Behalf of the Client

With the ideal candidate identified and the final interviews concluded, it’s time to seal the deal. Dedicated development team services take the reins, handling the hiring and onboarding process on behalf of the client. From negotiating terms and drafting contracts to facilitating seamless integration into the team, every aspect is meticulously managed to ensure a smooth transition. By entrusting these responsibilities to experts, clients can focus on driving their projects forward with confidence, knowing that their development team is in capable hands.


Unveiling the Ideal Developer: A Deep Dive into the Skillset

While the perfect developer might be a unicorn, a strong understanding of the ideal skillset goes a long way in identifying top talent. Let’s delve deeper into the core qualities that make up a truly valuable developer:

1. Technical Expertise

This one’s a no-brainer. Your ideal developer should possess a strong foundation in the programming languages, frameworks, and technologies relevant to your project. However, it’s crucial to look beyond a laundry list of skills on a resume. Here’s how to assess true technical expertise:

  • Depth vs. Breadth: While a broad knowledge base is valuable, prioritise depth in the specific technologies needed for your project. Can they discuss the intricacies of a chosen framework or explain the trade-offs involved in different approaches?
  • Problem-Solving with Code: Don’t just rely on memorised code snippets. Look for candidates who can explain their thought processes as they code, demonstrating their ability to adapt existing knowledge to solve new problems.
  • Understanding of Design Patterns: Familiarity with design patterns showcases the candidate’s ability to write clean, maintainable, and scalable code.

2. Problem-Solving Skills: The Algorithmic Alchemist

The ability to dissect problems, break them down into logical steps, and devise efficient solutions is paramount. Here’s how to identify a master problem solver:

  • Analytical Approach: Observe how the candidate tackles a problem. Do they ask clarifying questions, identify constraints, and break it down into smaller, solvable parts?
  • Algorithmic Thinking: Can they discuss different algorithms suitable for the problem and explain the time and space complexity of each solution?
  • Openness to Feedback: Pay attention to how they handle feedback during a technical assessment. Do they actively listen, understand the reasoning behind the feedback, and demonstrate a willingness to learn and improve their approach?

3. Communication: Bridging the Gap Between Code and Collaboration

Strong communication skills are crucial for developers to collaborate effectively with designers, project managers, and other developers. Here’s what to watch for:

  • Clear and Concise Explanations: Can the candidate explain complex technical concepts in a way that is understandable to non-technical stakeholders?
  • Active Listening and Empathy: Do they pay attention to questions and concerns, and can they adjust their communication style based on the audience?
  • Collaborative Mindset: Look for a candidate who values open communication, enjoys sharing knowledge, and is receptive to feedback and suggestions from others.

4. Learning Agility: The Ever-Evolving Developer

Technology is constantly changing, so the ability to learn new skills and adapt to new environments is essential. Here’s how to identify a developer who thrives on learning:

  • Passion for Continuous Learning: Do they express a genuine interest in staying updated with the latest trends and technologies? Do they participate in online courses, hackathons, or open-source projects?
  • Transferable Skills: Can they apply their existing knowledge to learn new skills quickly? This demonstrates the ability to identify core concepts and adapt them to new contexts.
  • Growth Mindset: Look for a candidate who embraces challenges and sees them as opportunities to learn and grow.

5. Teamwork: From Solo Coder to Symphony Conductor

Software development is rarely a one-person show.  Your ideal developer should be a strong team player who can collaborate effectively with others. Here’s how to find that team player:

  • Collaborative Spirit: Do they enjoy working with others, sharing knowledge, and contributing to a positive team environment?
  • Conflict Resolution Skills: Can they navigate disagreements constructively, focusing on finding solutions rather than assigning blame?
  • Willingness to Help Others: Look for a candidate who is supportive of their teammates, offering help and guidance when needed.

By understanding these key aspects and tailoring your interview process to assess them, you can significantly increase your chances of finding the ideal developer who not only possesses the technical prowess but also fits seamlessly into your team’s dynamic. Remember, the perfect fit is a two-way street. By showcasing your company’s innovative culture, exciting projects, and collaborative environment, you can attract top talent who is eager to contribute to your team’s success.


Understanding the Array of Services Provided by Dedicated Developers

Dedicated developers offer a wide range of services that can be tailored to your specific project needs. Here’s a breakdown of some of the most common offerings:

1. Web and Mobile App Development:

  • Building New Applications: From concept to launch, dedicated developers can handle the entire development lifecycle for web and mobile applications.
  • Custom Development: They can create bespoke solutions that cater to your unique business requirements and functionalities.
  • Integration with Existing Systems: Dedicated developers can seamlessly integrate your new application with existing databases, APIs, or other software you use.

2. Backend Development:

  • Server-side Scripting: They can handle the server-side logic that powers your application, ensuring smooth data processing and functionality.
  • Database Management: Dedicated developers can design, develop, and maintain efficient databases to store and manage your application’s data.
  • API Development: They can create secure and reliable APIs that allow your application to interact with other systems or services.

3. Frontend Development:

  • User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) Design: Dedicated developers can craft user-friendly interfaces that are both visually appealing and intuitive to navigate.
  • Front-end Development: They can translate UI/UX designs into functional code, ensuring a seamless user experience across different devices.
  • Responsiveness and Optimisation: They can optimise your application for different screen sizes and devices, guaranteeing a smooth experience for all users.

4. Additional Services

  • Quality Assurance (QA) and Testing: Dedicated developers can conduct QA thorough testing to identify and fix bugs before launch, ensuring a high-quality application.
  • Maintenance and Support: They can offer ongoing maintenance and support services to address any issues that arise after deployment.
  • DevOps: Some dedicated development teams offer DevOps services, which streamline the software development lifecycle by automating tasks like deployment and configuration management.


It’s important to note that the specific services offered by a dedicated development team will vary depending on their area of expertise.  Some teams may specialise in specific technologies like Blockchain or AI, while others offer a broader range of services.  When selecting a dedicated development team,  clearly communicate your project needs and ensure their skillset aligns with your requirements.

Final Verdict

Hiring dedicated developers is a multifaceted process that requires careful orchestration and collaboration. By leveraging dedicated development team services, businesses can navigate each stage of the journey with ease, from initial screening to final onboarding. By incorporating technical tests, feedback gathering, final round interviews, and seamless hiring and onboarding processes, dedicated development team services streamline the hiring experience, enabling clients to assemble high-performing teams with unparalleled efficiency and confidence.

Embrace the power of streamlined hiring processes and unlock the full potential of your development projects. With the right partner by your side, the possibilities are limitless.


Elevate Your Developer Recruitment with Zartis Dedicated Development Team Services

By letting Zartis handle the initial screening and technical assessments, you benefit from several advantages:

  • Reduced Time Commitment: Save your HR team valuable time by letting us handle the initial screening and technical assessments.
  • Verified Candidates: We only present you with pre-vetted developers who possess the skills and experience you need.
  • Agile and Efficient: Our quick turnaround times ensure you can swiftly fill your development role without delays.
  • Reduced Risk: We handle the entire hiring process, minimising your risk of making a bad hiring decision.
  • Faster Hiring: Our streamlined approach gets the right developer on board quickly, so you can focus on propelling your project forward.
  • In-House Expertise: With two technical interviews by Zartis, you get the in-house added assurance that the developer possesses the specific technical skills your project demands.

By leveraging our expertise and streamlined approach, you can find the perfect dedicated developer for your project in a fraction of the time it would take with traditional hiring methods. So, ditch the endless interview rounds and focus on what matters most – building a great product.

With Zartis, you can ditch the endless interviews and focus on what matters most – building a great product with the perfect developer on your team. Ready to get started? Contact Zartis today and let us simplify your dedicated developer hiring process!

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